WDYT Entertainment Studio

WDYT @ Google Play

WDYT is a passionate indie game development studio, residing under the banner of Cromter Crafts & Techs, that is focused on the entertainment in games. With roots back in the retro-games, and passion for the future, we strive to give players around the world an experience of fun, engaging, playable games.

Our philosophy is simple: Games should be fun!

WDYT stands for "What Do You Think", which perfectly encapsulates our approach to game development. We believe in the power of the community, and value your opinions and feedback. Your thoughts help shape our upcoming games and drive us to improve the playability of our games towards the ultimate goal: A fun game.

So you're more than welcome to send us a mail with your thoughts, we'll be happy to read, think and take care of your insights when updating our existing games, or creating a new game.

22nd September 2024
New edition of our website released

18th August 2024
Whack the fruit! has since the release gone through a few updates, hope you like it! Also we're working on some new projects, hopefully we can give you some hints soon on what's to come. Stay tuned for more!

18th June 2024
Whack the fruit! is finally released as our first game. The game was merely a test of all publishing obstacles in releasing a game, but was also found to be quite entertaining. If you haven't tried it yet, go ahead and play it, we think you’ll like it if you give it a try. We would of course love to hear your feedback so we can continue improving ourselves and the games we release.


Whack the fruit!
(first released 18th June 2024)
Where to find:
Google Play Store (link)

The game was our first release, which happened on 18th June 2024. The game was merely a test of all publishing obstacles in releasing a game, but was also found to be quite entertaining. If you haven't tried it yet, go ahead and play it, we think you’ll like it if you give it a try. We would of course love to hear your feedback so we can continue improving ourselves and the games we release.

The goal of the game is to achieve as many points as possible by collecting various fruits that flies around. If you touch one of the bombs, it explodes and you loose a life. If your time is running out, then you can buy more time by using your achieved points.

The game was quite fun to make, and it was a good trial of our project management setup. With this said, we're more prepared now to continue on our upcoming releases!

Privacy and integrity policy
WDYT Entertainment Studio, part of Cromter Crafts & Techs, will never sell your data to any other party. If data is needed to be collected at any time, we will ask for your permission first, and at that time we will also tell you how the data will be used and why.
Most of our apps include ads, served by external party such as Google, and in those cases your consent to this will be asked for, which we are grateful if you agree with as this serves the purpose of us being granted with income which in turn gives us the possibility to continue making apps for your entertainment.

Also see our Privacy Policy concerning Games (link).

© WDYT Entertainment Studio